We all search for different things. Some of us seek money, some seek fame, some seek love, and some seek health. I believe that what we're all ultimately searching for is happiness. "I'll be happy if I find the love of my life...I'll be happy if I get that promotion... I'll be happy if my sickness is healed..." The list goes on! We seem to forget that people who have money, fame, love, or health are not necessarily happy. All the happiness you ever find lies within you.Happiness is a choice. For every minute you are angry or irritated, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. Be happy. Be yourself. If others don’t like it, then let them be.
Here are seven elements of life which is believed to be essential for the attainment of human happiness.We can call them the "7 C's in the pursuit of happiness." One is not more important than any of the others.
In order to evolve into a state of happiness, you must develop your in-born ability to care about life, to value life in all its forms, to engage in loving, kind actions, to cultivate an attitude of what Nobel laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer called "reverence for life," (including your own).Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
Without effectively connecting to other humans,you become less than human yourself. Connection means involving yourself in relationship to everyone around you, connecting to your own inner life, and becoming aware of the environment in which you live. Learn to create high-quality relationships, and your happiness is almost guaranteed.
Communication is our primary method for connection. It increases your knowledge, your understanding, and your awareness. Language is precious. Words are the building blocks of all happiness.
Oprah Winfrey says that what motivates her to get up in the morning is "My commitment to my life and fulfilling my life purpose." If one of your life's purposes is to enhance your happiness, committing your life to the service of others brings more happiness than you can imagine. Happiness requires you commit yourself to something larger than yourself.
Most spiritual teachers believe we are living in a sleep-like or dream state. In order to be happy, one must increase one's awareness of life. And the single awareness that is most conducive to happiness is: the impermanence of everything. Life is in a constant state of flux, of change, of rhythm and of evolution.
Creating your life experience by consciously choosing your thoughts, your actions, your decisions and your attitudes will allow you to attain personal happiness regardless of external circumstances.
The pursuit of happiness is not something you search for or attain from
outside your skin. Happiness develops from within. You were born to be
happy. You were given life to experience happiness. Pursuing it is your
right. Sail the 7 C's of happiness and the pursuit of it becomes obvious
and being alive becomes the happiest of moments.